Salmond College

Salmond College Te Kāreti o Salmond

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Meal time is a time we can nourish ourselves, unwind and gather together.

Mealtimes at Salmond — where delicious meets nutritious

At Salmond College, we've got you sorted on the food front. Our awesome Food Services Manager runs the show, ensuring that every resident enjoys three hearty and healthy meals every day of the week.

Life can get hectic with lectures, labs, tutorials, and sports practice, right? No worries! We've got you covered with late meals, plus convenient packed lunches. So, whether you're crunching numbers in class or scoring goals on the field, you won't go hungry. Just hop on our online portal to book those late-night meals.

Good eats for all tastes!

At Salmond College, we take care of everyone's taste buds, including those with special diets. Our food service team uses the info you provided in your application to whip up delicious dishes that suit your dietary needs. At each meal you'll have 2-3 main options to choose from, including at least one vegetarian option, as well as a selection from our salad bar. You can count on a vegetarian dish at every meal, and when dinner rolls around, there’s usually not one but two mouthwatering meaty options.


Our mealtimes

Monday – Friday (except public holidays)

Breakfast: 7.00am - 9.00am

Lunch: 12.00pm - 1.25pm

Dinner: 5.00pm- 6.25pm


Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

Breakfast: 8.00am - 10.00am

Lunch: 12.30pm- 1.25pm

Dinner: 5.00pm- 6.25pm


Additional meals

Seconds are available at the end of service, i.e. 6.25pm when a meal service ends at 6.30pm.

Late meals are provided during week nights for those whose lecture times or sports/cultural practices, study groups, work commitments prevent them being at dinner. Late meals can be ordered through the portal. If a late meal is required in the weekend, residents should approach the food service team directly on the day.

Packed lunches are available every week day and can be prepared by residents from the selection in the servery during breakfast (before 9.00am).

Milk is available each dinner time for tea and coffee in floor kitchenettes.  Tea and sugar are also provided for kitchenettes. Other hot drinks are available from the ‘Dungeon’.

Vegetarian meals and special diets

Vegetarian meals: Residents can choose from the vegetarian or meat option at any meal.

Special Diets: The catering staff are able to provide special diets for those residents who have specific health or religious requirements. Such information should be supplied before the residents enter the College and residents should make themselves known to the Food Services Manager as soon as possible after arrival. Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free options are available. Residents who require gluten or dairy-free meals can advise the Head Chef by adding this to their online portal. All food is prepared under Halal conditions.

Get your fancy on: Formal dinners and photo ops

At Salmond College, we're all about adding a touch of class to your year, and that's where our formal dinners come into play. These are the events you'll want to mark on your calendar because they're filled with good times and great memories.

Welcome Dinner: After diving into Orientation Week, we cap it off with a spectacular Welcome Dinner. It's not just about food; it's about celebrating the start of your Salmond journey. And you know what makes it even better? The chance to snap some killer photos when the weather's on our side. And Before the Welcome Dinner kicks off, we'll gather for the full College photo on the College lawn.

Annual Dinner: Semester 1 wouldn't be complete without our Annual Dinner. Picture a night filled with delectable dishes, awesome company, and unforgettable moments.

Bubbly Brunch: You've shown off your dance moves at the Ball, and now it's time for the Bubbly Brunch. It's the day after the Ball, and we're here to follow up the big night with a brunch that's as bubbly as your dance moves.

Farewell Dinner: As the year rolls on, we gather for the Farewell Dinner in October. It's our way of saying goodbye to another incredible year and all the memories we've made.

So, get ready to dine, dance, and capture those Insta-worthy moments at our formal dinners. It's going to be a blast!

  • Other special dinners include the Mid-Winter Christmas, and the College Birthday Party, which are less formal but are still special community occasions.
  • We encourage resident participation for special dinners; if a resident has musical ability, we would love to have them share their talents with the College at such occasions!